Today i became one again, a statistic of McDonalds. When i left the bank to report my card stolen, i thought to myself MMMM McDonalds. The thing was there was a big poster of the Curry Chicken Sandwich right outside of the bank, so i went out of my way to go to McDonalds. And this time the sandwich was rather nice, and i sat there eating it watching the world go by and there was this kid (around 18) that was applying for McDonalds, all he did was filled in the application form and they said Thanks can you start work on Thursday? I was like WHAT?!?! how can someone get a job THAT easily. They didn't even read the application form. What has the world come to when someone random off the street can be offered a job without the mangement looing at the application form when i have been looking for a job for the past 7 months now and i have found no luck. Maybe i should succumb to the power of McDonalds and become a crew member.
I would get staff discount. Oh a whole 10p off a curry chicken sandwich.
This shit really is bananas
we don't have curry anything at mcdonald's here. but if we did, it'd only cost about 2 bucks.
they cost 99p here so im thinking theyd cost u less than a couple of bucks. u have mcflurrys right?
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