24 May 2005

Ladies And Gentlemen Dr Teddy Says Goodnight

It's just occured to me that maybe these lives that i write aren't helping me. Teddy and the gang - Adventures of Claire - Nasty Images - maybe they are the things that are hindering me in life.

But one thing i know is it that i know it's going to hard to stop doing them. You can like the life your living you can live the life you like but there are somethings in life that you can't help but love and keep hold of.

Maybe infact these are the only things that are keeping me sane?

The loss of Nasty Images to the deep unknown happened just before all this trouble started. The impossible task of recreating something that is lost seeming impossible but nevertheless neccessary.

I don't know if i could ever recreate those again. The more i think about it, the more that i begin to forget about it. It might have only been 4 years ago but it seems so more than that. Plus there is about 700 pages to them. Maybe it should just be left to the past - to the enjoyment of the memory to the few that saw it. And live on through the music. At least i have that.

The memory will live on, as long as the people remember it.

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