This was a big mistake by the Tory party who agreed that it would be built but also Tony Blair is a fool for not scrapping the plans in 1997. We were only blaming you for keeping it.
Anyway this building will be reopening (oh my god the trouble starts again) in 2007 and they are going to rename it THE 02 - wow it'l make us think that it is a whole new building - Millenium what? It's going to a music arena, which i guess is a good way of solving the problems of it just standing there derelict but if this country screws up with it again - i swear i'm going to lose all hope in England.

why was this thing even built?? its pretty ugly!
The £758m Dome was built as a Millennium project and opened in 2000.
Intended as a symbol of the new, brighter Britain and funded by more than £600m of lottery money, the dome was mired in controversy from its inception.
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