24 April 2005

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Prompted by Keeper, about doing quizzes, i went to www.quizfarm.com. And i was going to see "How I Was Going To Die". And i was a little freaked out that i got 100% suicide. "Your death will be suicide. What more can I say? Fact: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." I wish i hadn't done it

Which highschool stereotype are you? - Drama Nerd

Music Recommendation - Indie and Emo

i loved this qustion in the movie type quiz "i never met my mother, but i know she died whilst saving me from th British"


Miriel said...

the problem is that people who commit suicide don't generally see things as a temporary problem. it seems to be the permanent state of things. which is why i think that quote is a trite thing come up by someone who doesn't feel. don't forget, its a quiz, ignore the voices in your head;) you don't have to die:)

Shindig1985 said...

sometimes the voices get too loud - trust me, i know.