28 April 2005

My Name Is...

Hey with all this time i really don't have, i've been wasting time on the internet once again. And this time is find out what my name is in different cultures.

My Hebrew name is Yaakow Daniyel Yisrael
My Chinese name is Jingman Meng (meaning pacify, calm, peacful, full and satisfy)
My stage name is Donnie Danville
My African name is Eniola Olabode
My Albianan name is Kostandin Gjergj
My Biblical name is Jahzeel Nereus
My TransformerTM name is Skywarp Swerve
My Hillbilly name is Billy-Boy Haypusher Marshall
My Wrestling names is XXX Threat Pain Rage
My Rapper name is FreshKilla 3000
My Goth names is Dagon Gabriel Marshall
My warlock name is Beetlespaz Marshall
My Literature name is Malvolio Bilbo Marshall
My Native American name is Tecumseh Goyathlay


Miriel said...

your hillbilly name should be jimmy-boy instead of billy-boy. billy-boy would be for someone named william.

Stu said...

were did u get that information from

Miriel said...

i grew up in arkansas!