23 April 2005

Be A Deviant

I am really getting into this whole deviant art thing. And i'm loving the feedback i'm getting from complete random people. Today i got from someone. At first i thought this was just going to be a thing that no-one really looks at - that's how my work has always been before i discovered Deviant Art, but now that people are actively commenting on my work, it makes me feel that i am actually good at this, and it insipres me to write more.
Before i came to uni, i had never written a single poem in my life - i just couldn't. I was always told to stick to the rules and go for the rhyme schemes. But now i say FUCK that, throw that all out of the window. Poetry doesn't have to have set patterns at all. It's a form of expressing ones self, and being told to formulate that into a set of ideologies is something that kind of takes away the truth from the work. Having to stick to the rules, surely means that it put restrictions on the poem, therefore becoming kind of fake, as it were.

Anyway anyone wanna check out my work so far it can be found at my Deviant Art site - See The Art Of Me link at the side.

1 comment:

Miriel said...

deviant art gets addicting. i love looking at the photos, especially portraits.