02 July 2005

So Today Is The Day

Today is LIVE 8 - and i've just got in from work to find my Dad enjoying it so much that he couldnt hear me knocking at the door.

Luckily for me - he's recorded it so i can enjoy it - and Holly - you can enjoy Madonna once again.

Support the cause by clicking here. Sign the petition!


Stu said...

i did not see much of it as i was busy most of the afternoon and everning but what i saw was a mixed feeling

but i recon its a good cause and the g8 need to look into their pockets for once

Shindig1985 said...

That reminds me Holly - you know i said i had put Sir Pat of Pedo on my contacts images under your name - well today i changed it you are now Madge performing at LIve 8 LOL