16 July 2005


I'm going backwards - back to the days were i started my book LIFE AS IT WAS. And at 113 pages it remains unfinished. But i felt i had to go back to it, and start the sharing process, so i though i'd share a bit of it with you. Reading back through it - i go back to my mental state that i was in - which at the time seemed bad but with my current state, this period was heaven. Anyway here it is. It's the opening paragraph

"Don’t we all have a book inside us? Whether our lives are full of action, trauma, drama, jaunty little tunes or just plain old boring, we all can make a book out of it. This is a way for me to free all my emotion that is attached to my repressed experience – what psychoanalysts call abreaction. I have tried to render my experiences, up until now, unconscious but they always seem to bite me back in the butt. The way I see it? Is that this is a healthy way at getting rid of the experiences. Not to just lock them up within pages but to also let the world see how they can affect people who are the closest to you and also the ones that are reading this. Experiences like these can affect any number of people, most of which are unknown to us and also to which we don’t notice. Even the slightest repression can cause big traumatic events to collide in our worlds, so isn’t it the safest way to express them into any form available? This is my form. In early days, psychoanalysts said that abreaction was very therapeutic, regardless of whether the patient understood the significance of the repressed experience. So will it turn out to be? I’ll let you know after I feel satisfied that it’s over, that I can go on living my life without the pain of the memories. "

1 comment:

Stu said...

i was thinking of writting a book but i gae up after one page I am not that creative or dont have the attention to put the effort into it

keep it going mate