01 July 2005


Apparently in 1996, Spice Girls named July 1st GIRL POWER day. However, how are you supposed to celebrate something who's founding members no longer believe in the slogan, let alone still together.

There are several MILLION rumours that they are going to do a surprise turn up at Live 8 tomorrow on Hyde Park - but i very much doubt it.

Can't wait for next year. Did you know that it's 9 years since the start of the Spice Girls - however they were only together for 4 years - not longer really considering what they actually achieved


Shindig1985 said...

They changed the face of British Music - they brought female groups back onto the map - which weren't that huge during the 90s - until 1996.

They gave us 2 years (96-98) of some very good music.

There was the whole Girl Power and female independence thing.

They put Britain back on the international music map - not a lot of British groups have broken the American market - which is the hardest thing to break.

They were the most successful marketed group EVER.

They are the band of our childhood. They will always remain in my heart

Shindig1985 said...

They WERE good and you know it! They aren't popular anymore because the audience they had have grown up and moved onto different music tastes - i know i have. and the younger audience now don't really know much about them cos they werent around. The whole music industry has changed dramatically since the late 90s - but its such a fast changing industry anyway - bands don't normally last that long.