03 July 2005

She Returns

Tomb Raider: Legend could i be anymore excited?

I've still gotta finish Tomb Raider: Angel Of Darkness though and i haven't played on it since Septemeber - i can't even remember where i'm up to.

Tomb Raider was the very first game i got for my PS2 which i bought on the same day that i went to see "the village" which was in August. And for people who remember, yes this WAS nose bleed day.

Lara Croft returns sexy as ever, however i'm feeling cheated because her breasts keep on getting smaller - and it was always tradition for her breasts to get bigger - and they did from the first to Chronicles.

Anyway this is the apparent story line for Lara Croft's Tomb Raider: Legend

"Travelling to several continents in search of a mystical ancient artifact, Lara Croft is pitted against corrupt forces led by a figure from her past...long thought dead"

God - i hope this is Natalie from the first - i loved her so much. Though it could be Pierre (maybe he's gone bad)

I've actually only ever played on the first game and this one but i'm such a big fan of the games, i'm thinking i might hunt down the older ones. But for now i'll get back to Angel Of Darkness.

Bad news is that it's not out til 25/11/2005 (according to Play.com)

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