Mini Saffi's debut on Big Brother

It's Mini Saffi on Big Brother 25/07/05. The housemates won the task and had the decision to either play with this incredibly cute cat or have fags and booze. Naturally they decided to go for the kitten.
And for people who don't know - this is what my cat used to look like when she was the same age - ahh takes me back to the first days with Saffi.
Miss you Saff
Spread the Mini Saffi love by making your cat have Mini Saffi's - Holly i know you've done this already - cloning Saffi haven't you?!!
cool great choice
Well don't you remember Paddy from Series 2? He was there for a whole week for the task. Mini Saffi was just there for a hour.
Why don't you agree?
yes, that cat is ridiculously cute, though i wonder what has frightened it.
i want a dog...
She is frightened because she has been put in the Big Brother house with loads of wierdos - except Ant, Craig and Orlaith.
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