10 June 2005

This Is The End

Well that time has come, in 24 hours i shall be gone from Uni. And i'm about to leave Grendon for the last time.

I've packed half of my room. So i've the other half to do - durr.

But so many things to do before that - need to go to finance office (form due May 27th oops) i need to see my crew for one last time (guys - will miss you and can't wait til we move into the house - its going to be wicked)

By the way, any of the Shindig gang - if you wanna come down to see me next year i have a bigger room so i can get ALL of you in if you all wanna come so, BECKY, JENNY DAMIAN, KATHRINE, HOLLY get your arses down here. Holly you're coming first week for freshers week right? i hope so cos i have a job for you to do - help me with painting my room. and i may even just give you your very own wall to do whatever you want to do. I'm thinking non conformity here - different wall reflecting something different. I'm having words on my wall. Holly get thinking of what you can paint on my wall - and bring a brush (i'll provide the paint)

So i'm going now - i'll be coming to Hull sometime over the summer but i'm working in Nuneaton over the summer. but don't worry i'll come up and we can party like its 2005.


Stu said...

cool let me know when u up mate and we get something arranged with Steve, Pete if he is still up Jon and a few others

Just let me know got a new mobile number sent it 2 all numbers on last phone bill becuase i lost all my mobile numbers dooooooo

Shindig1985 said...

End of September - might be first week of October i don't know ill get back to u