13 June 2005

Give Me No Reason To Cry

Got an interview for a job tomorrow at a possible job that i will get paid around £220 a week for. So here's to hoping!

Just added White Stripes to my mini disc list - with The White Stripes, De Stijl, White Blood Cells, Elephant and Get Behind Me Satan all on the disc. I still haven't listened to the whole of Get Behind Me.... yet - i got up to the third song i believe - which was too wierd so i was like - i can't have this when i'm trying to organise something, so i turned it off. Oh no - is this a bad sign? Can this album be better than the best album so far - ELEPHANT - i loved that one from the start - time will only tell.


Stu said...

good luck mate

Shindig1985 said...

Thanks read news for LATEST