18 November 2005

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I'm on the way to America! In 2007!

but anyone know how to get a work permit for America?

Keeper - i may have to marry you so i can get into the country!LOL

Anyway. so bascially, lately i've been thinking about my options after Uni, and i came up with one - that seems to be my favourite, is to apply for my graduate overdraft which will take about 3 minutes, and then just use that money to go somewhere - and that place is basically New York. I'm in love with the city already and i haven't even been - i want it to be London and oh so much more (and it better be for the price of the place ticket), whether or not it's going to be a oneway ticket or a return is another thing, but i've been looking into working visa's and stuff like that - which has confused me even more - so i might have to look into that subject more. But before Xmas of the year i leave Uni(2007) i want to go to New York.

It's just that i've been thinking recently about how i've been living away from home now for over a year, and it dawned on me that i can't see myself going back to Hull to live with my Mum again as a permanent solution. Don't get me wrong, last year was the worst year of my life, i don't think i was a strong enough person to be away from home, and to be that independent, but something changed in me over the summer that just made me think that this is my life now and i can't go back to what my life was before. Independence is what i need and it's the only way that i'm going to be able to move forward.

I know one thing - i'm going to need help along the way


Miriel said...

the biggest change that happens when you live alone is the one that usually happens after a few months-you realize you couldn't go back to living with your parents. i guess it doesn't happen to everyone, but most people i think it does. i'm telling you, you really should think about doing a study abroad with u of n. you could pay almost same tuition and go to lander with me! yay, i'd love to spend another semester with you! and i promise we will take a trip to new york, now that i have people i can stay with and i kinda know my way around the city. i adore new york. not that it blew me away like people say, but just the energy... its like picidilly circus times a lot. (but a lot more crowded)
i'm going to send you the info about study abroad.

Shindig1985 said...

i love piccadily circus in London - its my favourite part.

Yes send me the info, but i do know that my LEA won't pay for tutiton fees abroad, whereas they will pay for study in the UK.

i think after Uni i want to get away from education for a while anyway.

Miriel said...

i don't know what lea is, but with an exchange program, you would be registered as a student at your home uni, and they just trade students with another one.

Shindig1985 said...

Local Education Anuthority in East Yorkshire who pays for my tution fees at Northampton. But they don't pay for abroad. Which obviously means that i would have to foot the bill for the tution over there - which i can't do. Plus after Uni i kinda want to get away from education if i can.